Soreness ,pain and swelling around the incision site in Pune
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Soreness ,pain and swelling around the incision si

50 Reviews

Mild swelling and pain at the incision site are normal. It is important to keep the site clean and protected as it heals. Watch the site for signs of infection such as spreading redness or red streaks, pus, and increased pain or swelling.

as it heals. Watch the site for signs of infection such as spreading redness or red streaks, pus, and increased pain or swelling.


A postoperative infection, also referred to as surgical site infection (SSI) is a potentially serious complication of surgery. Symptoms include increasing pain, swelling, redness, and heat at the incision site along with fever, chills, and a pus-like discharge.


Mild swelling and pain at the incision site are normal. It is important to keep the site clean and protected as it heals. Watch the site for signs of infection such as spreading redness or red streaks, pus, and increased pain or swelling.

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