Private Limited Company Registration Service in Pune
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Private Limited Company Registration Service

26 Reviews

  • A private limited company is a great option to start a business in India. The liability of the members is limited to the number of shares respectively held by them.
  • Startups and growing companies prefer private limited company as it makes it easy to raise funds from outside, limits the liabilities of its shareholders and enables them to offer employee stock options to encourage talent.

ited to the number of shares respectively held by them.
  • Startups and growing companies prefer private limited company as it makes it easy to raise funds from outside, limits the liabilities of its shareholders and enables them to offer employee stock options to encourage talent.
  • Description

    • A private limited company is a great option to start a business in India. The liability of the members is limited to the number of shares respectively held by them.
    • Startups and growing companies prefer private limited company as it makes it easy to raise funds from outside, limits the liabilities of its shareholders and enables them to offer employee stock options to encourage talent.

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