pemphigus foliaceus in pune
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pemphigus foliaceus

17 Reviews

Pemphigus foliaceus is a rare autoimmune condition that causes painful and itchy blisters and sores to form on your skin. The most common places for blisters and sores to form on your body are on your scalp, face, neck and back.

orm on your skin. The most common places for blisters and sores to form on your body are on your scalp, face, neck and back.


Pemphigus foliaceus causes fluid-filled blisters to form on your skin, often on your chest, back, and shoulders. At first the blisters are small, but they gradually grow and increase in number. Eventually they can cover your whole torso, face, and scalp.

The blisters break open easily. Fluid may ooze from them. If you rub your skin, the whole top layer can separate from the bottom later and peel off in a sheet.

After the blisters break open, they can form sores. The sores scale and crust over.

Although pemphigus foliaceus usually isn’t painful, you may feel pain or a burning sensation in the area of the blisters. The blisters may also itch.


Pemphigus foliaceus is a rare autoimmune condition that causes painful and itchy blisters and sores to form on your skin. The most common places for blisters and sores to form on your body are on your scalp, face, neck and back.

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