Pain Killers in Mumbai
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Pain Killers

33 Reviews

Analgesics, also called painkillers, are medications that relieve different types of pain — from headaches to injuries to arthritis. Anti-inflammatory analgesics reduce inflammation, and opioid analgesics change the way the brain perceives pain.


— from headaches to injuries to arthritis. Anti-inflammatory analgesics reduce inflammation, and opioid analgesics change the way the brain perceives pain.



  • Fluctuating energy levels.
  • Abusing increased amounts of prescription pain medications.
  • Putting in a great deal of effort in acquiring more painkillers.
  • Frequent lying.
  • Hindered work performance.
  • No longer participating in activities that were once enjoyed.


Analgesics, also called painkillers, are medications that relieve different types of pain — from headaches to injuries to arthritis. Anti-inflammatory analgesics reduce inflammation, and opioid analgesics change the way the brain perceives pain.


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