Itchiness (pruritus) in Pune
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Itchiness (pruritus)

74 Reviews

The rash is characterized by pruritus and xerosis and consists of red, elevated, scaly, often oozing or excoriated plaques on the flexor surfaces of the body. Treatment consists of antihistamines and steroids. Chemical burns cause redness, irritation, or burning immediately after contact with the substance.

excoriated plaques on the flexor surfaces of the body. Treatment consists of antihistamines and steroids. Chemical burns cause redness, irritation, or burning immediately after contact with the substance.


The rash is characterized by pruritus and xerosis and consists of red, elevated, scaly, often oozing or excoriated plaques on the flexor surfaces of the body. Treatment consists of antihistamines and steroids. Chemical burns cause redness, irritation, or burning immediately after contact with the substance.

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