General Anesthesia in Pune
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General Anesthesia.

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Retrobulbar neuritis is a form of optic neuritis in which the optic nerve, which is at the back of the eye, becomes inflamed. The inflamed area is between the back of the eye and the brain.

nflamed. The inflamed area is between the back of the eye and the brain.


Acute retrobulbar neuritis is a disease of the optic nerve, chiasm or tract usually characterized by marked and sudden loss of sight in one or both eyes, with a central or paracentral scotoma. Rarely the fields are contracted. Occasionally there is pain on movement of the eye. The pupil often shows hippus.


Retrobulbar neuritis is a form of optic neuritis in which the optic nerve, which is at the back of the eye, becomes inflamed. The inflamed area is between the back of the eye and the brain.

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