Cystine stones in Pune
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Cystine stones

86 Reviews

Cystine stones are due to an inherited defect in the transport of the amino acid cystine leading to excessive excretion in the kidney, causing cystinuria. Cystinuria causes supersaturation in the kidney, predisposing to the development of stones.

ssive excretion in the kidney, causing cystinuria. Cystinuria causes supersaturation in the kidney, predisposing to the development of stones.


  • Blood in the urine.
  • Flank pain or pain in the side or back. Pain is most often on one side. It is rarely felt on both sides. Pain is often severe. It may get worse over days. You may also feel pain in the pelvis, groin, genitals, or between the upper abdomen and back.


Cystine stones are due to an inherited defect in the transport of the amino acid cystine leading to excessive excretion in the kidney, causing cystinuria. Cystinuria causes supersaturation in the kidney, predisposing to the development of stones.

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