Color Scotoma in Pune
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Color Scotoma

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A scotoma is a visual impairment within the normal visual field. It may appear as a blind spot, a dark spot, a light spot, a flickering light or a blurred area in the visual field. Scotomas can be caused by physical problems involving the retina or optic nerve, or may be a symptom of a migraine headache.

pot, a light spot, a flickering light or a blurred area in the visual field. Scotomas can be caused by physical problems involving the retina or optic nerve, or may be a symptom of a migraine headache.


  • A spot where your vision is blocked or disturbed.
  • Having difficulty seeing certain colors.
  • Needing bright light to be able to see well.
  • Eye floaters and flashes.


A scotoma is a visual impairment within the normal visual field. It may appear as a blind spot, a dark spot, a light spot, a flickering light or a blurred area in the visual field. Scotomas can be caused by physical problems involving the retina or optic nerve, or may be a symptom of a migraine headache.

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