Career oriented
Career or job orientation tests are commonly offered in high school to assist students in planning for the future and choosing which career pathways they wish to pursue in college. Adults who want to change careers or are dissatisfied with their current occupations can also take career orientation examinations. A few of them are freely available online, and others can be found in libraries or other career resource centres. Individuals who pursue a career that is a good fit for their personalities and preferences for a working environment are more likely to succeed, so it’s worth a shot.
choosing which career pathways they wish to pursue in college. Adults who want to change careers or are dissatisfied with their current occupations can also take career orientation examinations. A few of them are freely available online, and others can be found in libraries or other career resource centres. Individuals who pursue a career that is a good fit for their personalities and preferences for a working environment are more likely to succeed, so it’s worth a shot.